The Court of Justice underlines that the reproduction under the form of a miniature constitutes an infringement, this cannot be acceptably denied…
On 6 May 2003, the Court of Justice of the European Communities (CJEC) gives a Judgment (C-104/01) on the validity of a mark composed by a color per…
On 22 January 2003, the EPO Enlarged Board of Appeal disclosed a decision G 1/02 relative to the competence and the nature of the “decisions” of the…
In the case R 1022/2000-2, the Second Board of Appeal of the OHIM rejected the opposition against the application for a complex trademark Chipitta
In a decision G 1/03 - G 2/03 dated September 26, 2002, a Board of Appeal of the EPO has underlined the compulsory technical aspect of an invention,…
The Ordonnance n° 2001-670 of July 25, 2001, in force on July 30, 2001, modified the criterias allowing the appreciation of the validity of a French…
Two appeals relating to opposition division decisions allow to illustrate the comparison of goods as it is studied by the OHIM.
Group M., nurserygardener breeder is the owner of a new plant variety certificate for a variety of strawberry-plant named "Mara des Bois".
One of the means proposed by the French Law against the infringement of a design or a trademark is that the customs administration may suspend:
The Boards of Appeal of OHIM seem to search whether the trademark constitutes the normal way to designate a product