When filing a patent application in France, it is possible to request the priority date of a prior french application, for the common elements,…
L 713-6 : Registration of a mark shall not prevent use of the same sign or a similar sign as the necessary reference to state the intended purpose of…
Directive 89/104/EEC - Art. 7
The society "Parfums Van Cleef et Arpels" titular of the trademark "First" for class 3 products, sued for infringment the society "Succès de Paris",…
According to Article L-611-10 of the Intellectual Property Code, "Inventions which are susceptible of industrial application, which are new and which…
The due date for the payment of an annual fee is the end of the month comprising the anniversary of the filing date, even if the patent or certificate…
Ornamental designs can be protected in France not only by the Design Law (which requires filing) but also by the Copyright Law - Literary and Artistic…
Is it easy to obtain an interim injunction ? If you can show that the infringement falls within the claims, will the court automatically grant an…