We can draft the abstract if it is not provided, which can be filed in one of the three official languages of the EPO (English, French, German).
Claim fees must be paid for each claim after the 15th one, we can study the set of claims in order to reduce the cost for filing.
The payment of the official fees for the designation states, extension states and validation states can be done as from the filing and at the latest within 6 months from the mention of the publication of the Search Report in the European patent bulletin.
Regarding the designation states : for applications filed as from 01/04/2009, all the designation states are designated by the payment of a sole official fee of 500 €
A request for examination is filed at the filing. The payment of the examination fee can be done at the time of filing and up to six months from the mention of the publication of the European search report in the European Patent Bulletin.
When you already have a search report prepared by EPO and relating to the application from which the priority is claimed, it should be provided in order to possibly benefit from a total or partial refund of the European Search fee.