Cabinet Chaillot's policy aims at two requirements:
- the first one is to satisfy our clients as far as possible, on the one hand through the quality of our services and on the other hand by making information relating to the files which are processed, as well as to legal texts and jurisprudence, available;
- the second one pertains to the absolute respect of the legal requirements, which is all the more important so as a discrepancy may, in some cases, result in a loss of right for our clients and in the implication of our responsibility.
The quality of our services and the sustainability of this quality rest on a thorough listening of the clients' needs and requirements, on strict internal methods, on an accurate and checked follow-up of the tasks which are carried out, and on a suitable dimensioning of the resources to be implemented.
Making information relating to the files which are processed available relies upon a continuous updating of the information.
Making legal information available entails an updated, classified and accessible legal documentation. This documentation is accompanied by a regular improvement of our jurisprudence analysis base.
Complying with the legal requirements involves their knowledge by the people who work in the Cabinet and requires suitable monitoring processes allowing to detect any discrepancy in the implementation of the tasks.
In December 1999, Cabinet Chaillot's board of directors started a formalized quality approach allowing to carry this policy into effect under the best conditions. During the year 2000, the quality approach resulted in the progressive setting of a quality management system (QMS) characterized by the so called "all process" quality approach. The certification was obtained on 17 January 2001 and renewed since that date, now in version 9001-2015, the last renewal being dated 01/07/2021.
Cabinet Chaillot's QMS relies on a data processing tool making part of and integrated in the global data processing system of the Cabinet. Initially mainly comprised of a computerized specification of the quality manual, the quality unit has gradually become the new basis of the global computerized system. It is characterized on the one hand by a complete specification of the processes, procedures and documents as used, and on the other hand by an integrated follow-up of the execution of the processes and of the various events relating to the QMS. The QMS incorporates the mechanisms allowing to adapt it and to improve it in a continuous manner.
Review meetings of the board of directors are planned at the rate of two a year. During these reviews, the efficiency of the critical and strategical processes is analyzed, the fulfilment of the commitments is checked, short-range objectives are established according to the legal actualities and the progress of the working schedules.
The review meetings of the board of directors are accompanied by information meetings for the whole staff.