Corporate name: CABINET CHAILLOT
Legal form: French limited liability company (sarl)
Registration number: 333 172 930 (R.C.S. NANTERRE)
Intra-community VAT number: FR53333172930
Share capital: EUR 400,000
Registered office: 16/20 avenue de l'Agent Sarre, 92700 Colombes, France
Tel: +33 1 41 19 27 77
Company name: SPIREA
Address: 16/20 avenue de l'Agent Sarre, 92700 Colombes, France
SIRET: 395 146 392 00018
Tel: +33 1 41 19 27 72
Cabinet Chaillot is a patent and trademark attorney law firm, a profession regulated in France by the Intellectual Property Code in Articles L422-1 and following.
French and trademark patent attorneys are members of the Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (CNCPI) and are subject to its code of ethics.
Cabinet Chaillot's European Patent Attorneys are members of the Institute of European Patent Attorneys (EPI) and are subject to its professional code of conduct.
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This site was the object of a declaration with the French Commission of Informatic and Liberties on September 6, 2000 and was registered under the number 719 310.
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Cabinet Chaillot - 16, Avenue de l'Agent Sarre - F-92700 Colombes
Article 43-10 of the French law No 2000-917 which amends the French law No 86-1067
The different webpages of our website are provided as general information and thus cannot take into account all the aspects of the industrial property, or the specificities of each case. Consequently, our responsability shall be assumed only with regard to works and opinions provided to our clients.
Posting and viewing of the information on this website is not intended to constitute legal advice or to create any attorney-client relationship/priviledge.