French Patent & Trademark Attorneys - European Patent Attorneys - Representatives before EUIPO
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After registration of a EUTM and renewing a EUTM
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Cancellation of a EUTM before EUIPO
Infringement of a EUTM
Community designs
Filing a Community design
Prior searches and prosecution before EUIPO
Cancellation of a Community design
French patents
Filing a French Patent or a French Certificate of Utility ?
Patenting an invention in France
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Infringement and enforcement of a French patent
French trademarks
Filing a French Trademark
Prosecution before the French Office
Searches and watching
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Infringement and enforcement of a French trademark
French designs
Filing a French design
Specific points about French Designs
Infringement and enforcement of a French design
Seizure-infringement as an element of proof
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European Patents
Quote for the filing of a Euro-PCT application
Quote for the grant stage of a European patent application and for the validation of a European patent in countries of interest
Quote for the validation of a European patent in countries of interest
European Union Trademarks
Quote for the filing of a European Union Trademark
Quote for the renewal of a European Union Trademark
Community Designs
Quote for the filing of a Community design
Quote for the renewal of a Community Design
Annual Fees in European Countries
Quote for payment of annual fees in Europe
French Patents
Quote for the filing of a French patent or certificate of utility application
French Trademarks
Quote for the filing of a French Trademark
Quote for the renewal of a French Trademark
French Designs
Quote for the filing of a French design
Quote for the renewal of a French design