According to Article 87 EPC, the priority date of a first application may be claimed when the second application is for the "same invention" than the…
Extracts of the Decision of Technical Board of Appeal 3.3.1 dated 7 November 1989 - T 73/88 - 3.3.1
On April 4, 2001, Mr M. has registered the domain name and opened a website with a view to expose the social policy of the Danone…
On April 7, 2000, the Technical Board of Appeal 3.3.2 has delivered a decision relating to the lack-of-unity objection raised "a posteriori" during…
Two Boards of Appeal of EPO have referred similar points of law to the Enlarged Board of Appeal in order to obtain a decision related to the…
The decisions of the Opposition Division as well as the ones of the Board of Appeal of the OHIM ("the Office") concerning the oppositions allow to see…
French trademark "PACANET" vs domain name ""
Since December 8, 2000, it is now possible to file a European patent application online, on the web site of the European Patent Office (EPO), through…
Before filing an application for the registration of a trademark, it is highly recommended to conduct a search for anteriorities among the trademarks…
Since 1991, the publishing house P has been publishing a dictionary of Legal Texts (presentation and synthesis of about 400 legal texts in form of…