On August 21, 2000, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Arbitration and Mediation Center brought in a decision concerning the…
On June 20, 1989, the Le Coq Sportif (i.e. the sportive cock) Company filed a figurative mark which represents a stylized cock within a triangle. …
The facts : The English Company WIGGINS TEAPE Ltd, is titular of the word mark "CONQUEROR" as well as of the complex mark composed by the word…
For the first time in France, a Court of First Instance has canceled a registered mark because it was anteriorized by a web site.
In the infringement action proceeding, according to Article L. 716-6 of the French Trademark Law, one may ask for a "provisional prohibition against…
The famous internet bookstore Amazon.com has instituted proceedings against the owner of the Amazon.gr site, which presents itself as the "Greece's…
The idea of the internet being a land-without-no-law is more and more inconsistent. Two recent decisions from the First Instance Court of Paris show…
AG Communication Systems Corporation v. Microsoft Corporation (Court of Appeal of Paris - 18/12/98)
According to Art. L 713-4 (1) of the Intellectual Property Law, the right conferred by a mark shall not entitle an owner to prohibit its use in…
According to Art. L 115-1 of the Consumption Law, an Origin Appellation is constituted by the denomination of a country, a district or a locality…