Enlarged Board of Appeal (EBA) of EPO recently issued two decisions regarding the right to claim priority when the applicant of the priority…
Post-published evidence, G 2/21, technical effect, technical teaching
Late submissions, Article 13(2) RPBA, Article 12(3) RPBA
Dosage regimen, novelty, G 2/08, bonus effect
Sufficiency of disclosure, G 2/21, Art 83 EPC
Pursuant to agreement between EPO and Georgia dated 31/10/2019, it will now be possible to validate European patents in Georgia
Saudi Arabia Patent Office follows JPTO, USPTO, CIPO, INPI (Brazil), KIPO, CNIPA and OMPIC with which INPI already has a PPH agreement
The General Court has just handed down two judgments, T-297/22 and T-298/22, confirming the validity of the three-dimensional trademarks that LEGO had…
Correction of withdrawal, filing divisional application, Rule 139 EPC, pendency of the appeal
Remittance to Examining Division, Clarity, Inventive step