Following the entry into force of the Unitary Patent System on June 1st, 2023 and the large number of opt-out requests filed during the Sunrise…
Restoration of a patent/patent application in the event of non-payment of a renewal fee
Rule 126(2) EPC abandoned with effect as from November 1, 2023
Rule 139 EPC. Adding a description page of a parent application in a divisional application
Article 113(2) EPC, Rule 12(2) RPBA. Claims forming basis of the decision
Moroccan patent office follows JPTO, USPTO, CIPO, INPI (Brazil), KIPO and CNIPA with which INPI already has a PPH agreement
On 12/09/2023, the European Parliament approved new EU rules aimed at safeguarding the geographical indications (GI) for craft and industrial…
Article 53(c) EPC, novelty Article 54(5) EPC
Article 13(2) RPBA 2020, sufficiency of disclosure
Late submissions during oral proceedings