Due dates and delays during the outbreak
Decree 2020-225 specifying the particulars of the new opposition proceedings against a granted French patent was published on March 8, 2020
Order 2020-116 published on February 13, 2020 introduces new opposition proceedings for patents in France
Law n°2019-486 dated 22/05/2019 relating to growth and transformation of businesses, referred to as PACTE Law, brings numerous changes to French…
EPO considers that the requirement of designation of inventor was not met.
European Union becomes the fifth member of this international system.
On 10/04/2019, the due date for UK leaving the European Union has been postponed to 31/10/2019.
As indicated in our news dated November 2018, for…
On 17/12/2012, a Portuguese individual filed a European trademark application "NEYMAR" for designating clothing, shoes and headgear. This trademark…
The President of the EPO has submitted questions to the Enlarged Board of Appeal which relate to the patentability of plants exclusively obtained by…
Two EUIPO cancellation decisions remind us of the importance of the evidence of use to be provided to prove the serious use of a European Union…